Learning management system

What is a learning management system?

A learning management system is the learning platform used by Athabasca University. It is tailored specifically for the university’s educational needs, designed to provide you, the learner, with an enhanced educational experience.

Here are a few tips that might help make things easier for you:

Learning management system orientation for students

Access to course(s) - items to consider:

  • Check your course syllabus to ensure the course is available online.
  • Review what early access means. Online course access is provided the day after the course registration is processed.

Printing study guides

If you are trying to print a study guide and all you are getting is what resembles a screen capture rather than the whole guide/unit, that study guide uses frames.

The way to print the full unit/guide varies slightly depending on which browser you are using.


Right-click anywhere on the content you want to print, and you should see a menu item called "This Frame" click it. Then click on "Print Frame." Your standard print window will pop up and allow you to pick your printer and print options, proceed as usual at this point.

Course access direct links

Get in touch with us

Get answers to any specific questions regarding our learning support services by contacting our team members directly.

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Updated July 21, 2023 by Digital & Web Operations (web_services@athabascau.ca)