Preparing for exams

Preparing for exams can be a stressful time no matter if it’s your first or final exam. Let us help you alleviate some of that stress with helpful tips, tools, and resources.

Helping you succeed in your next exam

Are you nervous about your upcoming exams? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there and know what it’s like. That’s why we put together a few tips that go a long way in helping you navigate exam preparation with ease.

1) Make a study plan early

Students who have a plan to structure their learning efforts each day are more likely to be successful. Therefore, we recommend that you create a study schedule for yourself as early in the semester as possible. This will help you stay engaged with the material throughout, adjust any challenges as they arise, and avoid last minute learning catch-ups that might cause exam anxiety.

2) Connect with your tutor

Your tutor is your direct link to your course and also the person that has been keeping track of your performance and challenges the closest. That’s why we suggest that you ask for their feedback on whether you are ready to succeed in the course exam before you dive in. If you’re not quite at that stage yet, they can also be the one to help you get there.

3) Get familiar with the online exam environment

Most of our students perform better in their exam if they’ve had a chance to get familiar with the online exam environment. If this is your first time writing an exam at AU, or if your last AU exam was a while ago, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the exam environment you will be using.

Writing online exams

All undergraduate exams at Athabasca University are delivered online, whether they’re invigilated in person or invigilated remotely by ProctorU.

Getting ready to write your online exam

Discover how our learning support tools can improve your exam success

As the perfect addition to our tutors’ personal support, we also offer help to optimize your study routine, create a well-organized learning schedule with you, and more.

Browse learning tools:

Are you struggling with exam anxiety?

Our counselling experts are here to help. Many of our students have been able to overcome their exam anxiety with our guidance and resources. If you would like to get in touch and get a confidential session and tips from one of our experts, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Get in touch with us

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Updated August 02, 2023 by Digital & Web Operations (