Master of Health Studies (MHST) 712

Advanced Qualitative Methods for Health Research


Delivery Mode: Paced/home-study online

Credits: 3

Area of Study: Applied Studies

Prerequisite: MHST/NURS 711.

Centre: Centre for Nursing and Health Studies


The purpose of MHST/NURS 712 is to provide students with the background, tools, and methodology to perform a qualitative research project and to analyze the results of the study. It will build on the course work completed in MHST 603 and MHST 711. It extends and deepens the exploration of methods with the intent to help students choose the approach that is best suited to their thesis study. The course introduces students to the use of computer software analysis and presentation of qualitative data.

Course Goals

MHST/NURS 712 is designed to help students achieve the following course goals.

  1. Develop knowledge in the philosophy, values, and ethical considerations unique to qualitative research;
  2. Distinguish among research methodologies used in narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and case study;
  3. Develop research questions and select a method, and construct a plan for answering the question(s);
  4. Develop a plan for generating the data;
  5. Develop skills in coding data;
  6. Develop a plan for analyzing and representing the data using the selected method;
  7. Examine what is involved in writing up a qualitative research study;
  8. Develop skills in using a qualitative data software program for the management and analysis of data.

Course Materials

MHST/NURS 712 comprises online and print-based course materials.

Online Materials

  • Introduction: Provides essential information about the course design and materials.
  • Schedule: Outlines the timing of course activities.
  • Units: There are 8 units in this course.
  • Assessment: Outlines the assignments/evaluation procedure of the course.
  • Reference: Listing of required readings and web sites included in the course.

Print Materials

The textbooks listed below are used in this course.

Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications.

Glesne, C. (2011). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction (4th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Course Structure

In this course, you will access health-related websites worldwide. You will also participate in email and computer conferencing with other students. Students are expected to connect to an Internet Service Provider at their own expense.

Technical Requirements

Computer System

In order to successfully complete this course, you must own or have ready access to certain computer hardware and software programs. For complete and up-to-date information on the minimum computer requirements required to complete the graduate nursing courses, visit the Centre for Nursing and Health Studies technical site.

Course Outline

Unit 1: Advanced Qualitative Methods: Beginnings and Evolution
In the first unit of the course students begin to explore the context within which qualitative research occurs and the importance of exploring and understanding the roots that shape the various traditions in qualitative research, including differing methodological approaches and philosophic orientations.

Unit 2: Issues of Design in Qualitative Research
In this unit students explore characteristics common among qualitative approaches to inquiry and examine the process of designing a qualitative research project. Issues that are part of the design also are examined.

Unit 3: Five Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry
In Unit 3 students explore five different approaches to qualitative research and begin to think about their own areas of interest and which approach might be the one that will help them address their own research question(s). As well, students explore the relationship between purpose and design in research and consider the implications this for qualitative research.

Unit 4: The Process of Data Collection
In this unit students explore data collection activities and the role that each plays in a general sense and then within each approach to inquiry.

Unit 5: Data Analysis and Representation
In Unit 5 students explore the processes of data analysis, which centres around organizing, giving structure to, and eliciting meaning from the research data that has been collected.

Unit 6: Writing Up Qualitative Research
In this unit students explore what it is like to write from a variety of research perspectives and learn some of the nuances that will help them to recognize what particular approaches might look like when they are completed.

Unit 7: Standards of Validation and Evaluation: The Need for Critical Reflection
In this unit, students explore perspectives of quality and credibility in qualitative research and consider ways in which to arrive at an evaluation of the credibility of qualitative research studies.

Unit 8: Coming Full Circle: Beginning to End and Back Again
In the closing unit of the course, students explore what is meant by “turning” the story. It is hoped that they will come to the understanding that qualitative research can come full circle in their understanding of a phenomenon and that in coming full circle, their understanding increases, broadens, and invites a continuing search for yet deeper knowing and understanding.

Assessment Structure

To receive credit for MHST/NURS 712, students must achieve a course composite grade of at least 60%. The weighting of the composite grade is as follows:

Conference Participation 10%
Assignment 1 20%
Assignment 2 20%
Assignment 3 40%
Activity Using Qualitative Research Software: NVivo 10%
Total 100%

Conference Participation (10%)

Feedback regarding conference participation will be ongoing. Quality of input (not quantity) is the goal. Feedback will focus on the student's ability to provide organized and original contributions that reflect analysis and synthesis of the material presented.

Participation Criteria

Participation will be measured against the following criteria:

  1. Complete online contributions during the unit conference timeframe.
  2. Respond to online discussions at least twice each week.
  3. Contribute original thoughts or ideas to online discussions.
  4. Cite relevant resources to validate points made.
  5. Demonstrate openness to divergent points of view.
  6. Be respectful of the perceptions of others.
  7. Integrate material from previous units to formulate ideas and generate dialogue.
  8. Present responses that follow the rules of grammar and spelling in the online contributions.

Assignment 1: Perceptions of Health as Reflected in the Canadian News

Assignment 1 asks you to collect data from newspapers, code the data, and develop themes from the data. As well, you will begin to maintain a methodological journal to document your decision-making processes as you collect, code, and thematize the data.

Assignment 2: Writing the Story

Using the data from Assignment 1, write the story about Health of Canadians as portrayed in the local news.

Assignment 3: Qualitative Research Method Term Paper

The intent of this assignment is for you to develop an in-depth understanding of a selected qualitative research method and apply it to a topic of interest in each phase of the research process.

Activity Using Qualitative Research Software: NVivo

You will be introduced to a qualitative research software program (NVivo) and how it is used to manage and work with your qualitative data.

Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized-study counterparts.

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