Management Science (MGSC) 301

Statistics for Business and Economics I (Revision 6)

MGSC 301

Revision 6 is closed for registrations, replaced by current version

View previous syllabus

Delivery Mode: Individualized study online or grouped study.**

Credits: 3

Area of Study: Applied Studies
(Business and Administrative Studies)

Prerequisite: None

Precluded Course: MATH 215 and MATH 216. (MGSC 301 may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for MATH 215 and MATH 216.)

Centre: Faculty of Business

MGSC 301 has a Challenge for Credit option.

Télé-université du Québec equivalency: STA 1001

check availability

**Note: Students registering in grouped study mode are advised that there may be some differences in the evaluation and course materials information indicated below. To obtain the most up-to-date information, contact the Faculty of Business Student Support Centre at 1-800-468-6531.


This is a three-credit, introductory course in statistics designed to provide students with the basic concepts and methods of statistical analysis. The course and the textbook are tailored to meet the needs of students in administrative studies. Accordingly, application problems are borrowed from business and economics, with many exercises based on real data. Credits earned in MGSC 301 may be applied toward the Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) diploma.


Lesson 1: Data and Statistics

Lesson 2: Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Methods

Lesson 3: Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures

Lesson 4: Introduction to Probability

Lesson 5: Discrete Probability Distributions

Lesson 6: Continuous Probability Distributions

Lesson 7: Sampling and Sampling Distributions

Lesson 8: Interval Estimation

Lesson 9: Hypothesis Testing

Lesson 10: Statistical Inference about Means and Proportions with Two Populations

Lesson 11: Inferences about Population Variances


To receive credit for this MGSC 301, you must achieve a minimum grade of “D” (50 percent) on both the midterm and the final examination and a minimum overall grade of “D” (50 percent) for the entire course.

You are strongly encouraged to complete the two written assignments. If you do not submit an assignment, a mark of 0 percent for that assignment will be used in calculating your overall course grade. Should you decide not to submit one or both of your assignments, you must notify the Call Centre of your decision in writing or by email so that your overall grade can be prepared.

Assignment 1 Midterm Exam Assignment 2 Final Exam Total
20% 30% 20% 30% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., & Williams, T. A. (2011). Statistics for Business and Economics (11th Edition). Cincinnati: South-Western College Publishing. ISBN 978-0-13-610036-2

Other materials

All other materials will be available online.

Special Course Features

The course materials for this course are shipped as a shrink-wrapped package. If the shrink wrap is broken, the materials are not returnable.

Challenge for Credit Course Overview

The Challenge for Credit process allows students to demonstrate that they have acquired a command of the general subject matter, knowledge, intellectual and/or other skills that would normally be found in a university level course.

Full information for the Challenge for Credit can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar.

Challenge Evaluation

To receive credit for the MGSC 301 challenge registration, you must achieve a grade of at least “D” (50 percent) on the examination.

Paper Exam

Undergraduate Challenge for Credit Course Registration Form

Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized-study counterparts.

Opened in Revision 6, September 22, 2011

View previous syllabus