Tuition and fees

At Athabasca University, you study at your own pace. That's why our courses are pay-as-you-go. You pay for each course only when you register for it, and the fees include all textbooks, course materials, and access to a tutor or success centre. All course fees must be paid in full when you register.

Assessing tuition and fees

Understanding how higher education fees and tuition are calculated is important to ensure you stay within your budget and make informed decisions when choosing, adding or dropping courses. AU academic fees are calculated differently for undergraduate and graduate students and will also vary depending on where you live while studying, course choice and other individual circumstances.

Paying tuition and fees

Once you've chosen your program and courses, you must pay tuition fees to confirm your registration and start studying online. You must pay all fees in full when you apply and pay for each course as you register for it.

There is no specific deadline for completing most AU credentials. If time is not a concern for you, you can take classes as you can afford them. This approach may allow you to complete your education with minimal student debt. However, if achieving your personal goals requires a faster pace and greater financial commitment, financial aid options are available to support your online studies.

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