Review process and requirements

In this section, you’ll determine whether or not your research project qualifies for an ethics review, and the steps to take if you must complete an application for one.

Human and animal ethical review process

On this page, you’ll find the step-by-step process of the ethics review process, from application to approval, and everything in between.

See the overview

Research requiring review

An ethics review is required for any research project involving animals, human participants, or human biological materials. Follow the link to learn about the purpose of the review.

Read more about ethics reviews

Review exemptions

Some research is exempt from Athabasca University Research Ethics Board review. On this page, you’ll discover if your project qualifies for an exemption.

Learn more about exempt research

Research ethics board

The Athabasca University Research Ethics Board reviews research proposals and follows federal requirements as well as AU policies and procedures.

 Learn more about the board

Updated June 29, 2022 by Digital & Web Operations (