Research requiring review

The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures undertaken to reduce its spread have significantly affected how human participant research can proceed.

It remains the recommendation of the Research Ethics Board that any and all research activities that can proceed and/or remain at a distance continue to be engaged in that manner. However, the Board recognizes that there may be some situations in which it is critical that in-person research proceed. It is incumbent upon the researcher to ensure they abide by any and all public health measures in place in the jurisdiction where the research is taking place to minimize the risk of transmission of COVID-19, and to comply with all requirements of the university related to travel for business purposes.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the research ethics officer at

While there is an expectation that all Athabasca University researchers will carry out their work ethically, specific ethical review is only required in certain cases.


Research requiring ethics review

Ethics review is required for any research project involving human participants, human biological materials, or animals that is conducted by:

  • members of the Athabasca University community:
    • faculty
    • staff
    • research assistants/associates
    • students
    • post-doctoral fellows
    • visiting researchers
  • external researchers who:
    • collaborate with Athabasca University researchers
    • use Athabasca University resources
    • wish to access Athabasca University participants

These projects must receive prior written approval of the Athabasca University Research Ethics Board, funded or not, and regardless of where the research is located.

Learn about the human ethics review process

Research using health information governed by the Health Information Act

Research that requires the collection of, or access to, health information that is protected under the Health Information Act must be approved by a designated human research ethics board in Alberta.

Learn about the new research ethics review process

Animal ethics

Research that involves animals also requires ethical review, but this is a separate process managed by the University of Alberta.

Learn more about ethical review for animal care and use

Purpose of review

The review is designed to ensure researchers meet the 3 main principles of ethical research with human participants:

1. Respect for persons
  • autonomy
  • voluntariness
  • informed choice
  • capacity
2. Concern for welfare
  • risk in proportion to benefit
  • no unnecessary risks
  • impact on participants and their communities
3. Justice
  • fair and equitable treatment
  • equal distribution of risks and benefits
  • protection of vulnerable populations
  • justifiable inclusion
  • managing power imbalances


There are some limited exemptions to Research Ethics Board review, where protection is available by other means.

Updated June 29, 2022 by Digital & Web Operations (