Doctoral study regulations

1. Doctoral dissertation route

The regulations set out in this document assist programs in managing and administering the dissertation route of the doctoral degree programs.

The dissertation is the final requirement for students in the dissertation-route of the doctoral degree. The doctoral degree is the highest degree awarded by a university. It is granted only upon evidence of general proficiency and of distinctive attainment in a special field of study. The student must demonstrate ability for independent investigation. The dissertation, which comprises the final requirement of the degree, embodies creative scholarship and must add new knowledge to the field of study.

2. Supervisors and committee members

3. Program of study

As soon as feasible after a student has been accepted to a doctoral program, the student shall work with the director of the program to identify a supervisor and outline a program of study, which includes the projected time for completion of the degree, course work, any supplementary work required, and the research area of the dissertation. There are several program time plans that are available under Section 10 of the Graduate Student Handbook that can be used by students to identify dates for the completion of various milestones in the program.

In some programs, an interim supervisor may be assigned when the student is accepted. In this case, the interim supervisor will provide advisement to the student until the supervisor is selected and approved; however, the interim supervisor may continue as the student permanent supervisor. When the supervisor is identified, the Supervisor Approval - Doctoral Program Form should be submitted to the graduate program director and then to FGS.

At the appropriate time in the program, determined by the supervisor and student, a supervisory committee will be struck (see Section 4.3 - Selection, composition, and approval of supervisor and supervisory committee for details on the nature of the committee). The Doctoral Supervisory Committee Approval Form should be completed and submitted to the graduate program director and FGS for approval.

If there is a change to the student’s supervisor or supervisory committee members, the following process will be followed:

  1. The supervisor will send an email to, with a CC to the applicable program director, indicating the committee structure change and rationale for the change,
  2. FGS will notify the supervisor via email when the change is approved,
  3. Once approved, a revised online approval form must be initiated by the

4. The candidacy

At the time specified by the supervisory committee (normally within the first 3 years after admission to the program but in no case later than 1 year prior to anticipated graduation or the maximum time for completion of the program–whichever is sooner) the student must take the formal candidacy examination.

The candidacy examination should determine whether the student is adequately prepared to continue as a doctoral candidate. Students must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the examination committee that they possess:

  • an adequate knowledge of the discipline and of the subject matter relevant to their program of research, and
  • the ability to pursue and complete original research at an advanced level.

The requirements that the student must meet in order to become a doctoral candidate may vary by program. The requirements may comprise 1 of the following:

  • a written and/or oral examination that tests the student on both their knowledge gained from their program of study (which includes their coursework) and their written dissertation proposal, or
  • a written or oral examination that test(s) the student on their knowledge gained from their program of study (which includes their coursework), and an examination on their written dissertation proposal. The student must pass the examination on their program of study (coursework) before they can be examined on their proposal.

The Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) is responsible for establishing detailed examination procedures for the candidacy and making this information available to faculty members and students in the program.


5. Doctoral candidate status

Upon successful completion of the candidacy examination and the dissertation proposal, the student shall be known as a doctoral candidate until such time that they have (1) met all requirements for the degree, (2) paid all of the appropriate fees, and (3) graduated with their doctoral degree.

6. Ethics/access approval

Before the student is ready to proceed with data collection for their research, if applicable, a submission must be made to the AU Research Ethics Board (REB) and any other approval bodies when required. When such approvals are obtained, a copy of the approvals must be provided to the supervisor and the program. A copy is retained in the doctoral candidate’s file held by the supervisor, and in the doctoral candidate’s file within the program.

The doctoral candidate must also retain a copy of the approvals for inclusion as an appendix in the dissertation. FGS also receives a copy of the approval from the Research Office.

7. The dissertation

8. Preparation for the oral examination

9. Oral examination procedures

FGS has established examination procedures for the dissertation oral examination (oral examination guidelines). The neutral chair is responsible for moderating the discussion and directing questions. As the neutral chair is not a member of the committee, they do not vote or sign the Dissertation and Oral Exam Final Report Form. It is the chair's responsibility to ensure that FGS procedures relating to the dissertation oral examination are followed. If the external examiner is unable to attend the oral examination, the questions from the external examiner will also be given to the chair to ask at the oral examination. At the completion of the discussion with the candidate about the adjudication results, the chair must complete the Report of the Neutral Chair for submission to FGS.


10. Submission of dissertation

Upon approval by the supervisor that the required revisions have been completed (which must occur within 3 months of the oral examination), that the necessary copyright permission has been obtained, and that the dissertation has met the format requirements, there are a number of steps the student must conduct to fulfil the requirements of their degree.

11. Signatures

Following completion of the final examination at which the dissertation is passed, the student shall make any required revisions. Upon approval by the supervisor that the required revisions have been completed, the student shall submit the dissertation in PDF format to FGS.  An approval page is created by FGS which contains a list of the names of the examination committee members and signifies to readers of the dissertation that it had received formal approval.

Updated September 19, 2022 by Digital & Web Operations (