The Hub How AU’s Integrated Learning Environment will break down barriers for learners

How AU’s Integrated Learning Environment will break down barriers for learners

For many learners, paperwork and bureaucracy are the least enjoyable aspect of university—and for some, they’re actually barriers to higher education.

Registering for courses, keeping track of grades, filling out forms, or seeking technical help all take time and energy.

“Who enjoys paperwork and bureaucracy?” asks Anne-Marie Scott, deputy provost and co-lead of the Integrated Learning Environment (ILE) program, an AU initiative to digitize and harmonize administration, customer relations, performance tracking, and more into a single integrated platform.

“We’re building a system where you can get all of the paperwork done without needing any paper.”

We’re building a system where you can get all of the paperwork done without needing any paper. Anne-Marie Scott, deputy provost

When the ILE launches—tentatively scheduled for late 2022—it will make it faster and easier to do everything from connecting with academic advisors, to enrolling in courses, to applying for scholarships.

“We recognize our learners are spread across many provinces and time zones and that’s why providing them with flexibility is very important. The experience of coming to our website and being able to register, self-serve, start your course, and do this on your own time, all in one place, will be delightful for learners,” says Scott.

All learner records in one place

Learners engage in many types of learning activities across AU. Working on a degree, taking a few courses in different faculties, or obtaining new credentials to advance careers are a few examples.

The new learning records system in the ILE will keep information on every learning experience in one space, which means neither learners nor administrative team members, will need to search multiple places for key learner data.

“The ILE will create a single record for our learners,” says Scott.

Self-service and timely support

Right now, learners can spend time significant time looking for information or finding the right person to talk to. With  the ILE, learners only need to refer to one place to get the information and support they need, says Richard MacLeod, AU registrar.

“Learners will be able to look after administration more quickly on their own, and if they need assistance, they’ll have tools and personal support online, right there to help them.”

Help learners stay on track

By collecting up-to-date information about learner progress, the ILE will allow AU team members to provide proactive, personalized advice and feedback to learners. This will in turn help learners improve their performance and make informed academic decisions.

“When a person gets feedback and support early on and believes they can be successful, that leads to success,” MacLeod notes.

Learn more about the ILE

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  • August 12, 2021