The Hub Charlene Janzen: Learner finds flexibility, understanding at AU
Transforming Lives: Learners at AU

Charlene Janzen: Learner finds flexibility, understanding at AU

By: Charlene Janzen

Transforming Lives: Learners at AU is a testimonial series written by AU learners and alumni who want to share how AU helped shape their lives.

It’s a space for the people who have provided support and encouragement throughout their journey. It’s also a forum for sharing how AU is helping them achieve their educational goals and realize their future potential. Their stories are worth shouting from the rooftops! Have an inspiring story of your own to share? Email us! We’d love to hear it.

I am a 48-year-old mom working towards a Bachelor of Arts in English with Athabasca University (AU) 

I have been working on it for some years now, chipping away one or two classes at a time. And while I have taken classes at other universities, their schedule and my schedule did not work out. Once I reach my goal and receive my bachelor’s degree, I hope to become an editor. 

I chose AU because of its flexibility and range of courses. I can start a course at the beginning of the month and take my time completing it. I can work on my courses anytime, day or night, which allows me the flexibility to complete everyday chores and tasks. I can even work outside on the deck in my pajamas if I want to! 

Being a student with a disability, AU has allowed me to work within my disabilities to complete my courses. I was diagnosed as bi-polar—sometimes it is hard just to get out of bed. On my days off when I am not feeling well, I am able to take a break from my courses. In fact, the Accessibility Services unit at AU has made accessibility accommodations for me and my studies. The instructors are very considerate towards my disabilities. It has been particularly important for me that AU has been very understanding and allowed me to work at my own pace and set my own schedule.  

On top of this, I am a busy mom of two teenagers and a host mom to a teen international student. I work part time a couple of days a week at the local library. While the teenagers are at school, I work on my studies. 

I was diagnosed as bi-polar—sometimes it is hard just to get out of bed. On my days off when I am not feeling well, I am able to take a break from my courses. In fact, the Accessibility Services unit at has made accessibility accommodations for me and my studies. Charlene Janzen

For anyone considering taking courses or working on a degree, I would highly recommend taking courses with AU. They view me as an individual with individual needs and they work around what I need. Whether you are working, stayat home with kids, or have a disability, AU will work with you to help fit your needs with your goals.   

Charlene lives in Comox, British Columbia. She is an author and a page at the local library. She loves taking English courses at Athabasca University because of the variety of courses offered. 

  • October 15, 2021
Guest Blog from:
Charlene Janzen