The Hub Athlete and sexual health advocate powers her way to degree

Athlete and sexual health advocate powers her way to degree

AU grad Aileen Bishop is tearing down stigmas about sexual health

In her second year of studies, Aileen Bishop (Master of Health Studies ’22) experienced one of the most challenging years of her life.

One of her parents became very sick and almost died. At the same time, Bishop was trying to leave an abusive relationship. Despite these challenges, she pushed through and came out stronger than she’d ever imagined.

“I was so close to just giving up, but because I had such strong support through AU, I was able to push through. My parent is now healthy and I am now in a very healthy and fulfilling relationship,” she said.

While it takes considerable mental strength and courage to persevere through such personal challenges, Bishop is equally as strong physically. She’s a national powerlifting athlete and referee and founded an inclusive non-profit pole dancing studio in Edmonton.

“I just know people look me up and go, ‘You founded a non-profit pole studio? You powerlift too? While doing a [master’s]?’ And I like being open about that,” she said.

Aileen at a powerlifting competition

I just know people look me up and go, ‘You founded a non-profit pole studio? You powerlift too? While doing a [master’s]?’ And I like being open about that. Aileen Bishop, Master of Health Studies ’22 graduate

Advocating for sexual health education

Since beginning her studies in 2017, Bishop explored a few areas of interest before focusing on sexual health education and sex worker’s rights.

After managing a physiotherapy clinic, Bishop moved into a role at Alberta Blue Cross and recently received a promotion to team manager. Bishop says that she’s already been able to apply knowledge gained from her master’s to her job in benefit plan management.

In the future, Bishop hopes to pursue further education focusing on sexual health and promotion.

“Anything related to sexuality has been painted in a taboo light in our society, and I want to help promote and teach comprehensive and inclusive sexual education to dispel that taboo.”

She also hopes to continue pushing for better policies federally that support and protect sexual and reproductive health.

Anything related to sexuality has been painted in a taboo light in our society, and I want to help promote and teach comprehensive and inclusive sexual education to dispel that taboo. Aileen Bishop

Powering through challenges

Aileen leaning against a pole at her Edmonton pole dancing studio

Now that she’s completed her studies and persevered through the many challenges life threw her way, Bishop hopes to focus more on her passions.

“I hope to continue to support my powerlifting community as a volunteer, athlete, and national referee, and continue to support my pole dancing studio [Central Edmonton Aerial Performing Arts Club] as much as I can,” she said.

 Bishop says that AU helped her strike a healthy balance between work, education, and life.

“In my time at AU, I was able to compete as a powerlifting athlete and achieve medals at a national level, open up an inclusive and supportive pole studio, become a national level powerlifting referee, get married, buy a house, and work through my mental health concerns,” she said.

“It has been a long journey but I am so happy I started it.”

Learn more about Athabasca University’s Master of Health Studies degree.

In my time at AU, I was able to compete as a powerlifting athlete and achieve medals at a national level, open up an inclusive and supportive pole studio, become a national level powerlifting referee, get married, buy a house, and work through my mental health concerns. Aileen Bishop

  • June 16, 2022