The Hub Q&A with Joy Stewart on AI-powered cooperative learning experience
Beyond 50 | Faculty of Business | Learners

Q&A with Joy Stewart on AI-powered cooperative learning experience

By: Joy Stewart

Athabasca University News recently interviewed Joy Stewart about ADMN 405, the recently launched artificial intelligence (AI)-powered cooperative learning experience. This course targets third-and fourth-year Faculty of Business undergraduate program students. We wanted to find out what her thoughts were about this course!

Athabasca University Shield

Athabasca University News

What was your experience like with this course?

This course was challenging, but also rewarding. It was informative and highly applicable to my current position.

The Monet Bank simulation was a lot of fun to work through, and did not feel like an assignment – it felt like a game that I wanted to play. I have never participated in an acquisition project from start to finish, so it was very interesting to follow that through.

Joy Stewart

Athabasca University Shield

Athabasca University News

What was your favourite part of this course?

Discussion boards. The conversations that took place in the online discussion boards were by far the most interesting, challenging, and inspiring portion of this course. Reading everyone’s different perspectives, and approaches to the topics was informative. Having Professor Dixon there to steer us in the right direction was instrumental. He provided guidance, but just enough, so we still needed to work through the complexity of the topics on our own.

Joy Stewart

Athabasca University Shield

Athabasca University News

What would you tell a student who is considering this course?

If a student has the opportunity to take this course, they absolutely should! It is that simple – the value present in this course is undeniable.

Joy Stewart

Athabasca University Shield

Athabasca University News

What’s been the most important thing you’ve learned?

Key takeaways from the course:

  • How I view past and present employers, their tactics, their actions, the industry, and the environment we were/are working within
  • With the Covid-19 challenges we are all experiencing now, I feel I am better equipped to understand the complexity of the situation
  • This course has given me a high-level perspective on business strategy, and also drew attention to areas of my old perspective that were incorrect, or needed realignment
  • This course helped build confidence in my interactions with co-workers

Joy Stewart

Athabasca University Shield

Athabasca University News

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

I want to stress how important Professor Dixon was to this course. The entire experience would have been entirely different if we had not had an individual with his personal and professional experience to guide us. His enthusiasm for the material, and excitement when we proved understanding of a topic was contagious and highly motivating.

Joy Stewart

Filed Under:
  • May 11, 2020
Tagged In:
ai, online education,
Guest Blog from:
Joy Stewart