Honorary degree nomination guidelines

The criteria for the selection of candidates for Honorary Degrees are contained within the Honorary degree nomination guidelines below. Please read the guidelines carefully before preparing and submitting a nomination.

Nomination guidelines

Athabasca University, Canada’s Open University, is dedicated to the removal of barriers that restrict access to and success in university-level study and to increasing equality of educational opportunities for adult learners worldwide.  We transform lives and communities through the power of education and research. 

An honorary degree is the highest honour bestowed by the University.  The University awards honorary degrees to individuals who have demonstrated an extraordinary contribution to their chosen discipline, and/or have demonstrated extraordinary achievements in service to society.  Through the conferring of honorary degrees, the University aims to recognize and celebrate individuals whose achievements are of such an extraordinary nature they are both transformative and inspirational in keeping with our mission, vision, and values within the community, society, and the world.

Criteria for selection

Honorary degrees are awarded to individuals on the basis of achievements deemed by the University to be worthy of recognition as follows:

  • The individual has demonstrated extraordinary public service or humanitarian contributions
  • The individual has demonstrated excellence in scholarship and/or the creative arts
  • The individual has demonstrated excellence in an area of interest to the University, in keeping with our mission, vision, and values
  • The individual’s achievements are widely recognized by both the public and their peers
  • The individual’s achievements and leadership provide inspiration to our graduates

The University awards the following honorary degrees:

  • Doctor of Laws, generic – to be awarded in recognition of exceptional public service
  • Doctor of Letters – to be awarded in recognition of exceptional contributions to the humanities, social sciences and the arts
  • Doctor of Science – to be awarded in recognition of exceptional contributions to the pure and applied sciences
  • Doctor of Athabasca University – to be awarded in recognition of exceptional contributions to open, online, and distributed learning

The following limitations apply:

  • Current members of the Board of Governors, faculty and staff at Athabasca University are not eligible
  • Active Canadian politicians are not considered for Honorary Degrees
  • Honorary degrees are not normally awarded in absentia or posthumously

Nomination guidelines and process

Athabasca University invites nominations for Honorary Degrees to be awarded at Convocation ceremonies each year.  In order to encourage the broadest possible range of nominations, any person within the Athabasca University community, as well as the general public, is eligible to make a nomination. 

Nominations are submitted in strict confidence and must not be discussed with the intended nominee.

This year, nominations will be accepted until Monday, March 11, 2024.

The following guidelines should be followed when submitting an Honorary Degree Nomination:

  • Nominations must be submitted using the Athabasca University Honorary Degree Nomination Form
  • The Honorary Degree Nomination Form must be completed in full, duly signed by the nominator (electronic signatures are accepted)
  • Ensure that the rationale for the nomination includes the reasons for the nomination and the contributions/achievements of the nominee.  Include examples of exemplary service or distinguished contribution to Athabasca University if applicable.  Do not assume that members of the Honorary Awards Committee have personal knowledge of the nominee.  A biographical summary is helpful, however a full bio or curriculum vitae is only required if it is deemed to be of importance by the nominator.
  • Include three supporting statements for the Honorary Degree Nomination (these statements may be included on the nomination form, or signed supporting statements may be attached)
  • Send the completed nomination electronically to the Chief Governance Officer and General Counsel
Tyler Tollefson, Chief Governance Officer and General Counsel

Nominations will be held in strict confidence by the Chief Governance Officer and General Counsel and will be presented to the Board Honorary Awards Committee in closed session for review and selection of the successful candidates. 

Athabasca University Honorary Degree Nomination Form

Updated February 15, 2024 by Digital & Web Operations, University Relations (web_services@athabascau.ca)