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Psychology (PSYC) 301

Career Development Resources (Revision 1)

PSYC 301

Revision 1 closed, replaced by current version.

Delivery Mode:Individualized study or grouped study. Online-enhanced.


Area of Study:Social Science

Prerequisite:None, however, a literacy level commensurate with senior-level studies, a variety of junior courses, and PSYC 300 are strongly recommended.

Precluded Course:PSYC 301 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for CADE 301.

Centre:Centre for Psychology
University Certificate in Career Development.

PSYC 301 has a Challenge for Credit option.

Course website

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This course examines resources used by career development professionals and their clients. “Career development resources” include all products that attempt to provide data (e.g., labour market statistics, assessment instrument results), information (e.g., labour market trends, personality classifications), knowledge (e.g., economic development theory, career development theory) and/or wisdom (i.e., integration of the former categories) that informs career development practice, personal career development and/or organizational/community career development. Career development resources are the vehicles linking the professional and his/her clients to a continuously changing world of work.

Learners in the course will review resources from a variety of theoretical and pragmatic perspectives, leaving the course able to answer the following questions about any resource: Who are the beneficiaries (e.g., youth, the unemployed, employers)? Who are the clients (e.g., the practitioner, the unemployed, supervisors)? What is the content (e.g., labour market trends, self-esteem, career building)? What is the purpose (e.g., motivate, instruct, assess)? Does the cost, format, medium and style suit the intentions? When and under what conditions should it be used? What are the assumptions? What is the quality?

The examination of resources will occur within a framework that places all resources within levels (i.e., data, information, knowledge, wisdom), contexts (i.e., the person, the person's immediate environment, the world of work) and clients (i.e., the practitioner, the policy maker, the client). The examination will also include a direct look at the base content of resources, particularly content pertaining to the rapidly changing world of work: the nature of the modern economy, the structure of work and the impact of significant trends on work and life. The course examines resources on the internet and concludes with an examination of how to integrate the resources with the overall career planning process.

Although this course will explore assessment instruments as resources, it will not enable participants to effectively administer and interpret tests. It will, however, enable participants to (a) critique instruments, (b) select instruments for further study/application and (c) make sense of test results. Furthermore, this course is about evaluating and using resources not necessarily developing them. However, it will provide a very strong base for doing so.


Unit 1: Introduction and Overview of Career Development Resources

Unit 2: The Changing World of Work

Unit 3: Career Development Resources: A Framework

Unit 4: Career Development Resources: The Work World

Unit 5: Career Development Resources: Client (Person or Organization)

Unit 6: Career Development Resources: The Client's World

Unit 7: Using Resources to Connect the Client, Client's World and the Work World

Unit 8: Career Development Resources on the Internet

Unit 9: Integrating Career Development Resources into Career Planning Processes


Career Development Resources Survey 5%
Telephone Quiz 1 5%
Telephone Quiz 2 10%
Telephone Quiz 3 10%
Course Project Proposal 25%
Course Project 45%
Total 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


Holland, J. L. (1994). Assessment booklet: A guide to educational and career planning. In Self-directed search (Form R, 4th ed.). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.

Holland, J. L. (1994). The occupations finder. In Self-directed search (Form R, 4th ed.). Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.

O'Reilly, E. & Alfred, D. (2000). Making sense of labour market information. Ottawa: Canadian Guidance and Counselling Foundation.


The course uses a number of career development booklets that have been produced by the Department of Human Resources and Employment of the Alberta government.

Student-provided Materials

For the purposes of this course, you are asked to provide the following items:

  • A recent edition of the Globe and Mail newspaper
  • A recent edition of a local city or town newspaper
  • A recent edition of a local or regional labour market survey or bulletin

Other Materials

The course materials include a student manual, assignment manual, and study guide.

Athabasca University reserves the right to amend course outlines occasionally and without notice. Courses offered by other delivery methods may vary from their individualized-study counterparts.

Opened in Revision 1, February 28/03.

Last updated by SAS  06/23/2015 10:56:36