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English (ENGL) 211
Prose Forms

Closed March 28, 2008, replaced by current version.

Delivery mode: Individualized study or grouped study.

Credits: 3 - Humanities

Prerequisite: None. Students without prior writing instruction are strongly urged to take ENGL 255.

Precluded course: ENGL 291 and ENGL 292. (ENGL 211 may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for ENGL 291 and ENGL 292.)

Centre: Centre for Language and Literature

ENGL 211 has a Challenge for Credit option.

Course Web site


ENGL 211 introduces students to four literary forms: the short story, essay, novella, and novel. By examining specific works and the accompanying commentaries in two study guides, students encounter major literary concepts and terms, as well as key authors and works from British, Canadian, and American literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Among the authors studied in this course are Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, Margaret Laurence, William Faulkner, Katherine Mansfield, Alistair MacLeod, Joseph Conrad, and George Orwell.


Unit 1: Short Prose Forms: The short story, the novella, and the essay.

Unit 2: The Novel: A nineteenth-century British novel, an early twentieth-century American novel, and a contemporary Canadian novel.


To receive credit for ENGL 211, you must achieve an overall grade of at least “D” (50 percent) and at least “D” (50 percent) on the final exam The weighting of the course assignments is as follows:

Essay 1 Essay 2 Essay 3 Final Exam Total
10% 25% 25% 40% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


Conrad, Joseph.  Heart of Darkness.  New York:  Penguin, 1999.

Dickens, Charles.  Great Expectations.  New York:  Oxford UP, 1998.

Hemingway, Ernest.  The Sun Also Rises.  New York:  Simon and Shuster (Scribner Paperback), 1954.

King, Thomas.  One Good Story, That One:  Stories by Thomas King.  Toronto:  Harper Perennial, 1993.

Laurence, Margaret.  The Stone Angel.  Toronto:  McClelland and Stewart, 1968. rpt. 1988.

Roberts, Edgar V.  Writing About Literature.  11th ed.  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Prentice Hall, 2006.

Stewart, Kay L., and Marian Allen.  Forms of Writing: A Brief Guide and Handbook.  4th Cdn. ed.  Scarborough, ON:  Prentice Hall, 2005.

Stott, Jon C., Raymond E. Jones, and Rick Bowers, eds.  The Harbrace Anthology of Short Fiction.  4th ed.  Toronto:  Nelson, 2006.

Thompson, Veronica, comp.  The Mercury Reader.  Boston, MA:  Pearson Custom Publishing, 2004.

Other materials

The course materials also include two study guides and a student manual.