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ADMN 232

Administration (ADMN) 232
Administrative Principles (Revision 7)

Revision 7 closed Dec. 5, 2005, replaced by current version.

View previous syllabus.

Delivery mode: Individualized study. Individualized study online. Grouped study.**

Credits: 3 - Applied Studies.

Prerequisite: None. This course is recommended as a suitable point of entry to the Bachelor of Management and the Bachelor of Commerce degree programs.

Centre: School of Business

ADMN 232 has a Challenge for Credit option.

Télé-université du Québec equivalency: ADM 1005

**Note: Students registering in grouped study, or grouped study international mode are advised that there may be some differences in the evaluation and course materials information indicated below. To obtain the most up-to-date information, contact the School of Business Call Centre at 1-800-468-6531.


ADMN 232 is the three-credit required course in the Bachelor of Administration and Bachelor of Commerce programs offered at Athabasca University. It is equivalent to a one-semester course at a conventional university.

ADMN 232 translates administrative theory into effective administrative practice by examining what administrators do and how they do it. The course presents theories of administration applicable to the public and private sectors and then reconciles these theories with current practice, focusing primarily on the student's experience.


Unit 1: Introduction to Management

Unit 2: Defining the Manager's Terrain

Unit 3: Planning

Unit 4: Organizing

Unit 5: Leading

Unit 6: Controlling


To receive credit for ADMN 232, you must achieve a composite course mark of at least a “D” (50 percent) and a mark of at least 50 percent on each of the examinations. The weighting of the composite mark is as follows:

Assign 1 Assign 2 Mid-term Exam Assign 3 Assign 4 Final Exam Total
15% 15% 20% 15% 15% 20% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Note: Depending on the version of this course you are registered in, the examination may be paper-based or online. Please refer to the examination information provided in your course materials for further clarification. This examination must be taken at an invigilated location. If you are writing the online examination, it is your responsibility to ensure a computer with an Internet connection and Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher is available for your use at the invigilation centre.

Note: Credit can be earned in this course by passing the challenge for credit.

Course Materials


Robbins, S. P., Coulter, M., and Stuart-Kotze, R. 2003. Management, (Canadian 7th ed.). Toronto, ON: Pearson Education Canada Inc.

Other materials

The course materials also include a study guide, and course manual/assignments.