4 study tips for online learning over the holidays

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Get tips from other Athabasca University students to improve your studying and online learning habits.

Finding balance between studies, work, and family obligations can be difficult at the best of times. It gets even harder when the holidays roll around.

We asked AU students for ideas on their favourite studying tips during the holidays. Here's how they answered.

1. Be efficient with your time

Daniel shared his go-to strategy for saving time:

"Focus on 'productive procrastination' style tasks that help but can be done while watching TV. This includes scanning, printing, or organizing files.

"Also, make copies of files and back them up on a hard drive. This usually takes a long time and the computer cannot be turned off during this process. As such it is a perfect stay-inside-because-it's-cold-outside chore."

Kevin takes advantage of winter road trips:

"If you're driving a longish distance to a gathering and are alternating driving duties with someone, do some readings for school on the way."

2. Get cozy and find a quiet place to study

Robin believes studying is best done with a friendly companion:

"Have a comfortable workspace, lots of blankets and coffee, and at least one warm dog (and a spare open book that you don't need for said dog to sleep on so it won't sleep on the books you actually do need)."

Paul prefers to avoid the hustle and bustle in favour of a quiet study space:

"I go to the library to get away from all distractions."

Related: Feeling stressed this holiday season? Help is available

3. Schedule time for study-and holiday relaxation

Shannon recommends making time for school and fun:

"Find balance by setting aside time for both school-work and recreation."

Angela doesn't lose focus:

"Be like the Grinch! Business as usual."

Joan offers some practical advice on how to enjoy yourself and still maintain focus:

"Have one real drink at get togethers, then drink Perrier. And leave early. Remember, your commitment to yourself and all the things you gave up to make your dream come true."

Others, like Samson, see the holidays as a welcome break:

"Don't study during the holidays. Just enjoy your holiday and save your studies for later."

4. Lean on support and don't be afraid to ask for help

Cody has twins and sometimes needs help, even if it isn't offered right away:

"Pray that my family takes my twins for a few hours a day so I can get to work!"

If you are struggling, AU learners can access free supports.

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