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Sociology (SOCI) 345
Women and Work in Canada (Revision 1)

This version of SOCI 345 closed. To current version.

Delivery mode: Individualized study

Credits: 3 - Social Science

Prerequisite: None. WMST 266 is recommended.

Precluded course: SOCI 345 may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for SOCI 312.

Centre: Centre for Work and Community Studies

Women's Studies Web site

SOCI 345 has a Challenge for Credit option.

Course Web site


Sociology 345: Women and Work in Canada examines the changing nature and patterns of women's work in Canada, the meaning work has for women, and the value of women's work to society. A central concern of the course is the extent to which work contributes to equality and empowerment or inequality and disadvantage for women. It also considers how significantly gender shapes a common experience of work, and the extent to which women's working lives differ depending upon other social factors such as class, age, and race.


Unit 1: Women's Work in Theoretical and Historical Perspective

Unit 2: Women's Work in Contemporary Canada

Unit 3: Transforming Women's Work


To receive credit for SOCI 345, students must achieve a grade of at least 50 percent on the assignments and a course composite grade of at least "D" (50 percent). The weighting of the composite grade is as follows:

Assignment 1 (2,000 word essay) Assignment 2 (2,000 word essay) Assignment 3 (2,000 word research paper) Total
30% 30% 40% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


Wilson, S. J. 1996. Women, Families, and Work. 4th ed. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.

Other material

The course materials also include a study guide, student manual and a reading file.