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Geology (GEOL) 201
Introductory Historical Geology (Revision 1)

Revision 1 closed October 10, 2007, replaced by current version.

Delivery mode: Individualized study. Home lab component.

Credits: 3 - Science

Prerequisite: GEOL 200 is strongly recommended.

Centre: Centre for Science

GEOL 201 has a Challenge for Credit option.


Historical geology is involved directly or indirectly in most aspects of geological studies. There are direct links with astronomy, biology, chemistry, and physics. GEOL 201 involves discussion of the basic aspects of the discipline, the techniques and evidence used in reconstructing the evolution of Earth, and current research in mass extinctions and global change.


Unit 1: Introduction to Historical Geology: Historical geology, Earth materials

Unit 2: Sedimentary Rocks and Historical Geology: Sedimentary processes and historical geology

Unit 3: Life Through Time: Paleontology, paleoecology, paleogeography and paleoclimatology

Unit 4: Geological Concepts of Time: Geochronology

Unit 5: Planetary Beginnings and the Origin of Earth: Sun, Earth and Solar System

Unit 6: The Evolution and Structure of Earth: Earth's structure--characteristics and evidence, plate tectonics

Unit 7: Precambrian Time: Hadean and Archean Eons, Proterozoic Eon

Unit 8: The Paleozoic Era: Early Paleozoic geology, late Paleozoic geology, Paleozoic life

Unit 9: The Mesozoic Era: Geology of the Mesozoic, life in the Mesozoic

Unit 10: The Cenozoic Era: Cenozoic geology, Cenozoic biology, human evolution

Unit 11: Historical Geology Today and Tomorrow: Dinosaur physiology, mass extinctions, glacial cycles, global climate change, Gaia hypothesis

Lab Exercises 1 and 2 require you to borrow a fossil lab kit from the Athabasca University Library. Lab Exercises 3 through 10 are a related set of exercises which, when completed, are submitted together. They do not require a lab kit.

Lab Exercise 1: The Paleozoic Era

Lab Exercise 2: The Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras

Lab Exercise 3: Identification of Fossils--Arthropoda (Trilobita)

Lab Exercise 4: Identification of Fossils--Protozoa, Porifera, Coelenterata

Lab Exercise 5: Identification of Fossils--Bryozoa, Brachiopoda

Lab Exercise 6: Identification of Fossils--Mollusca (Pelecypoda, Gastropoda,Cephalopoda)

Lab Exercise 7: Identification of Fossils--Echinodermata (Cystoidea, Blastoidea, Crinoidea, Stelleroidea, Echinoidea), Protochordata (Graptolithina)

Lab Exercise 8: Determination of Ages A-O

Lab Exercise 9: Analysis of Structures

Lab Exercise 10: Synthesis and Outline of Geologic History


To receive credit for GEOL 201, you must achieve a minimum lab average of 60 percent, achieve a course composite grade of at least "C−" (60 percent) and achieve a grade of at least 60 percent on each of the examinations. The weighting of the composite grade is as follows:

Lab Exercises Mid-term Exam Final Exam Total
30% 30% 40% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


Levin, H. L. The Earth Through Time, 8th ed. New York: Wiley, 2005.

Rhodes, F. H. T., Zim, H. S., and Shaffer, P. R. 1962. Fossils : A Guide to Prehistoric Life. New York: Golden.

Other materials

The course materials include a study guide, a student manual, a laboratory manual, a book of readings, and a geological time scale.