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English (ENGL) 351
Comparative Canadian Literature I (Revision 1)

Revision 1 closed, replaced by current version.

Delivery mode: Individualized study.

Credits: 3 - Humanities

Prerequisite: ENGL 211 and ENGL 212 or equivalent first year English course(s).

Precluded course: ENGL 450 (ENGL 351 may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for ENGL 450).

Centre: Centre for Language and Literature

ENGL 351 has a Challenge for Credit option.


ENGL 351 is an introduction to the study of ethnic minority writing in Canada in the context of the country's two majority traditions—the English and the French.

Among the topics examined are the national literatures, the voices of women, national myths and stereotypes, regionalism, and immigration.


To receive credit for ENGL 351, you must achieve a minimum grade of 50 percent on each assignment, 50 percent on the final examination, and a composite course grade of at least “D” (50 percent). The weighting of the course assignments is as follows:

Essay 1 Research Paper Final Exam Total
30% 50% 20% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


Bugnet, Georges. 1976. The Forest. Montreal: Harvest House.

Clarke, Austin. 2007. There are no Elders. Toronto: Exile Editions.

Conan, Laure. 1974. Angeline de Montbrun. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Athabasca University reprint.

Goto, Hiromi. 1994. Chorus of Mushrooms. Edmonton: NeWest Press.

Marlyn, John. 1971. Under the Ribs of Death. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.

Ostenso, Martha. 1988. Wild Geese. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart.

Paci, F. G. 1982. Black Madonna Ottawa: Oberon Press.

Pelletier, Maryse. 1990. Duo for Obstinate Voices. Montreal: Guernica Editions.


Pivato, Joseph, ed. 1998. Anthology of Italian-Canadian Writing.

Pivato, Joseph, ed. 1990. Contrasts: Comparative Essays on Italian-Canadian Writing, 2d. ed. Montreal: Guernica Editions.

Other Materials

The course materials also include a study guide and a student manual.