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ANTH 275 Course cover

Anthropology (ANTH) 275
Faces of Culture: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (Revision 10)

Revision 10 closed, replaced by current version.

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Delivery mode: Individualized study or grouped study.
Video component.*
*Overseas students, please contact the University Library before registering in a course that has an audio/visual component.

Credits: 3 - Social Science.

Prerequisite: None.

Precluded course: ANTH 207. (ANTH 275 may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for ANTH 207.)

Centre: Centre for Work and Community Studies

ANTH 275 has a Challenge for Credit option.


ANTH 275 focuses on the cross-cultural study of human diversity. Study topics include patterns of social organization, the family, economics, politics, religion, the arts, and language.


The course consists of the following eight units.

Unit 1: Anthropology and the Study of Culture

Unit 2: The Study of Human Ecology

Unit 3: Domestic Groups and the Individual

Unit 4: Social Groups: Kin and Non-kin

Unit 5: Economics and Politics

Unit 6: Communication and Expressive Culture

Unit 7: Worldview: Religion and Healing Systems

Unit 8: Globalization and Anthropology


To receive credit for this course, you must achieve a minimum grade of “D” (50 per cent) on both the mid-term and final examinations, and an overall grade of “D” (50 per cent) for the entire course. The weighting of the composite grade is as follows:

Telephone Quiz 1     5%
Telephone Quiz 2     5%
Assignment 1: Short Essay   15%
Mid-term Exam   15%
Assignment 2: Journal   20%
Telephone Quiz 3     5%
Assignment 3: Annotated Bibliography   20%
Final Exam   15%
Total 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


Miller, Barbara D., Penny Van Esterik, and John Van Esterik. 2007. Cultural Anthropology. 3rd Canadian Edition. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada, Inc.

Robinson, Angela. 2005. Ta'n Teli-ktlamsitasit (Ways of Believing): Mi'kmaw Religion in Eskasoni, Nova Scotia. Canadian Ethnography Series Volume 3. Toronto: Pearson Education Canada.

Other Materials

The course materials also include a study guide, course manual, reading file and forms.

Additional Course Components:

To successfully complete this course you are required to watch the ten video programs that comprise the series, Millennium: Tribal Wisdom in the Modern World. Edmonton, AB: ACCESS-The Education Station. 1992. All ten video programs are available from the Athabasca University Library.